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Plato's Academy
Aristotle's Lyceum
Diogenes' Amfora
Prison of Socrates
Philosophy (Φιλοσοφία – Filo + Sofia) from Φίλος + Σοφία (Filos + Sofia => Friend of Wisdom, meaning “the one who wants to learn”). The word is attributed to the famous Socrates, the Father of Philosophy. The Pre-Socratic (“before Socrates”) tried for the first time in Human History to answer questions in a logic manner, in an attempt to discover the truths of the world. Socrates took it way further. He tought forbearance and used his method of "dialectic", simply asking questions to a conversation, avoiding conclusions, in a civilized and polite manner, the same way as he lived. Always calm, a great dancer and a lawful citizen to the point that accepted to be condemned to death (since his questions shook the social foundations of the athenian society) without objection or reaction. Willingly he drunk the famous "poison" (κώνειο - konio), even though he could have escaped, passing to history.

Plato's Academy, where the most famous of Socrates' student developed his Theory of “Ideas” (both Idea & Ideal), influencing greatly the Western Civilization. The concept of creating an Idea, an ideal and then trying to reach it, applying force and effort is the main philosophy of life throughout the Western Civilization. Search inside you: Your wishes. Your dreams. The reasons you wake up in the morning. You make up something in your mind, then you work to achieve it. Plato is also the most trustworthy source of Socrates in such a way that it is hard to distinguish the words of Plato from the words of Socrates since Socrates never wrote anything.

Aristotle's Lyceum. The location where Aristotle, The Father of Sciences taught. The “Teacher of Teachers”. Even the Arabs recognize him as “The First Teacher”. Being a student of Plato himself, he became the teacher of Alexander the Great, inspiring him to use his resources not just to conquer and revenge the Persians that invaded Greece & Europe 150 years earlier but also to civilize the world. His theory Causality gave birth to modern Determinism. Very practical, he profoundly doubted the “Idea” of Plato of perfection and preached that “it is the exact opposite”. There is no perfection. Only “what is”. Therefore “nothing can be created from zero and nothing can become zero”. In the Lyceum he taught the “peripatetic” (meaning they walked and philosophized) and layed the foundations of the Western Civilization. His most famous student, Alexander the Great, with his conquests and travels to the "far of the earth", spread all the lineage of Philosophy to the world

Diogenes' Amfora, the student of Antisthenes (founder of Cynicism and student of Socrates), who only lived with a piece of clothe and a plate (to put his food), renouncing whatever distracted him from "exploring what's inside", making himself completely independent of the needs of the outside world by minimizing them.

It was here where giant personalities layed the ground for the birth of Western Civilization. Hippocrates (with the famous oath), Asclepius (the Father of Medicine), Democritus (The Father of Physics), Herodotus (The Father of History), Thales, Archimedes, Parmenides, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Empedocles, Aristarchus, Lycurgus, Pericles, Pythagoras, Zenon (the founder of Stoicism), not to mention Heraclitus, Epicurus, Archilocos are just a few out of so many other truly mythical personalities, who created the foundation of Ancient Greek Civilization and the Western World.

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