TOUR OF ATHENS - Monuments, Antiquities & Sites in the Centre - ATHENS TOUR - THE BEST GUIDE IN ATHENS

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Tour of Athens


The area around Parthenon & Acropolis (Άκρο + Πόλις , Akro + Polis = "edge of town" signifying the tallest hill in the center) was the "spine" of Athens, Greece and the whole Western Civilisation in the past. In some ways, it still is.

The picturesque neighboorhood of Plaka, the Flea Market of Monastiraki (little monastery), the bars / cafes / restaurants of Thiseio ("area of Theseus", the mythical King of Athens), mixed with antiquities such as Roman Market, Temple of Hephaestus, Areios Pagos.

Shops to buy all kinds of stuff, Columns of Olympian Zeus and the Arch of Hadrian. Churches from all sorts of eras.

The Ancient Agora where the political, military, tribunal, bureaucratic etc power of Ancient Athens layed.

At this area's center: One of the greatest monuments ever created by a civilization: Parthenon ("Temple of Purity"). The emblem of Unesco.

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27-29 Dim. Agg. Metaxa Ave.
Glyfada - Athens - P.C. 16674

T: (+30) 6970961250

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